Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In case you didn't know

Hey there everyone...

In case you didn't know, and I know some of you don't...I'm pregnant and due in late April.

My pregnancy has been very normal and have had no major complications (until recently).

I'm now in the hospital and will remain here for the duration until the baby is born...almost 2 weeks ago I had a very uncomfortable day of cramping...and apparently a lot was happening. After some tests it was discovered that I have been having many contractions and have started to dilate but in addition to that the amniotic sac is trying to push through as well. Both baby and I are just fine...she's strong (and yes..It's a Girl!!) but still too little to be born yet, if we can help it.

Today marks 29 weeks...and it is very exciting. I've been here 11 days already and making my room as much like home as I can (because I'm going to be here a long while).

I've decided to start a journal about my stay here at the hospital, to share my experience and also use it as a form of therapy (so to speak).

I have made an outline so far about each day being here...so I'll back track and make an entry for each day I'm here, explaining the day..my visitors, the doctors the nurses and tests.

Many of you have sent some great messages of support that I really appreciate from every part of my heart and just ask please to pray for this baby to keep on cookin in there. We take all of this one day at a time and each day that goes by is one less day and one less test this little girl has to endure in the NICU.

So without further ado...I present you with my hospital stay journal, as I get it documented. (Oh and if you or someone you know has experienced what I've gone and am currently going through, please share with me. I find each story very motivating and gives me hope.)

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