Monday, March 16, 2009

Hospital Stay Journal Entry: Sunday, March 15, 2009

Next thing I know I’m getting a knock on my door from the resident on duty checking on me. Then I fall back asleep and I hear another knock and it was Dr Co just peeking in to see how my night went. Then I fell back asleep until my AM Nurse, Emily got me up for my AM medicine and told me after I finished my breakfast to call her when I was ready for my NST. I got some good rest from last night. Half way through the day when I had Emily flush the IV… oh boy did it start to sting. OUCH. Well that IV really infiltrated and bruised my arm really good. So they thankfully took it out. The Dr’s want to let my arms rest and not give me an IV unless I really need it because they want to save my veins for the main event. Heather came on duty tonight as my PM nurse, that made me so happy too… :) She introduced me to the unit secretary, she is so nice. My evening NST was very uneventful, thank goodness. Got my evening medicine and went to bed, after updating my blog online. I’m about a week behind. But not anymore after I post this entry.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

YAY! You are all caught up. I am sure your daughter will really appericiate reading this stuff when she is older. Glad they gave your arm a rest too, sounds like it needed one!