Saturday, March 07, 2009

Hospital Stay Journal Entry: Friday, February 27, 2009

Woke up to my AM nurse Joyce brining in my medicine. My NST in the morning was uneventful. I spent most of the day sleeping due to extreme exhaustion. Dr H when she came in to check on me, told me that the exhaustion was very common and to just use the day to relax and not to push myself. Joyce took out my IV (YIPPEE) and then I got poked again by the lab for CBC levels and a type & cross for incase I deliver. Spent almost the whole day just vegging out and sleeping. Got a visit from Tim, he’s so fun. Heather my PM nurse, was so happy to see me, especially after hearing what had happened the evening before. She did a blessing bead too. Dave stayed over a bit later tonight because he was making sure I was ok. I think both of us were still on edge from the night before.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

YAY! Glad that little girl is still baking :)