Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hospital Stay Journal Entry: Friday, March 20, 2009

OMG, for some reason last night got barely any sleep. Then to top it off, that mean and rude pathologist from the lab woke me up. And didn’t even talk to my nurse before entering, come to find out she didn’t need to even draw blood from me then so she woke me up for NOTHING. She was rude, especially when I asked her if she saw the sign on my door saying to please check in with nurse before entering . She actually had the nerve to say to me “well, that sign doesn’t pertain to ‘me’”. OMG…I went off the deep end after that. I rang the bell for the nurse and refused to let her take blood from me without talking to my nurse and I just got more upset the more she was in the room with me. Before I knew it, I was in complete tears and uncontrollably sobbing. Dana and Mary, literally RAN into my room. I felt so bad, but they understood my frustration and calmed me down. They were also afraid I was putting myself into labor, but thank goodness I didn’t. That was when they put very obvious signs on the door to the point that EVERYONE is to check in with the nurse before entering. FNP K from the OB practice came by to do rounds that day, and she came in and pulled a chair up and talked to me. She was just making sure all was well, even in the face of the events from the morning. She told me all that I should do was nothing all day and just veg. It would do me good. She is very right. I tried to go back to sleep, but I just kind of was lying in bed until I drifted off (it was so difficult). But was able to do that most of the day, thank goodness. I was surprised by evening visits from Lindsay & Dylan, who brought me and Dave Frosty’s from Wendy’s…..mmmmmm yummy. And not so long afterwards, Justin and Josie came over. I was so excited to see them both too. My PM nurse that night, Stephanie, waited until everyone left before putting me on the monitor. Nothing eventful tonight at all and I took some ambien to make sure I slept.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

That would so piss me off! I don't blame you.