Thursday, April 09, 2009

Hospital Stay Journal Entry: Monday, March 23, 2009

Today was a very long day. Woke up by Dana with medicine and was visited by Dr W. Spent most of the day visiting the bathroom, because the baby has moved further down and has almost constant pressure on my bladder (not fun). Got to have a nice long talk with Dana today, she’s applying for CNP school at Georgetown and has an interview soon (I know she’ll get it, she’s so great). Kathie came on duty as my pm nurse and Shelley came by to say ‘Hello’ as well. Lab came in to draw blood tonight and all went good. Kathie came in and decorated my board for the next day, it was so sweet. These nurses are really cheering for me. That means so much too.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

It is nice to have nice nurses. Now I know that. :)