Thursday, May 09, 2013

Anyone interested in trying a 5K walk/run in September?? Join US!

Please join our team the Chelle Chockers on  Friday, September 6th  for the Electric Run!!

The Electric Run!! Follow THIS Link!!!

To join the team you need a password, please send me a message (reply below) and I will send it to you.  When you register be sure to sign up for the team and NOT as an individual runner (you will pay more).

This is going to be so much fun.

Make no mistake I'm not going to be running the whole time...not by a long big butt is going to be walking a LOT I'm sure.  HAHAHAHA!!

Please seriously consider joining us!!  We are already 6 people STRONG!

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

I totally wish I was local! I looked into this one and they don't have it in Boise (yet) and as it stands, I don't think the hubby is going to let me do it and fly to DC for it. lol