Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Not something I usually do...BUT....

Today I'm going to make an exception....

I have many family members and friends that I stand behind and love VERY much and I would never change any of them or their partners for the world.

I am a tremendous supporter of marriage equality.

Marriage is about LOVE!!  And that is THAT!

I drove by the Supreme Court building after dropping my husband off at work this morning to see all of the people out there with their signs supporting each side of the argument.  Both being nice and the NOT so nice (we don't even need to mention who I'm talking about to know who that is).  But at least with at the time I passed it was calm and contained, plenty of police presence and believe it or not LOTS of smiling faces.  People were genuinely happy to just be there to be a part of this day.   There were lots of news cameras, reporters, vans, etc and lines of people just waiting to get inside if they could.

Always remember...no matter what, they cannot take away LOVE!

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