Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Frustration with ones-self is.....

Have you ever parked not entirely in a parking spot because the person in front of you didn't leave enough room and there is NOT a spot behind you and it says "No Parking". Well, I did it in hopes of just being able to go in and out of the store without getting in trouble. Well with a 4 1/2 minute trip inside, I got a parking ticket. Something that was just supposed to cost me $4 ended up costing me $44.

Un-happiness is getting a parking ticket. When you were just trying to run a simple errand.I'm not pleased.

But, I still did it...and I got a ticket. It happens, and it happened to me.

I'm still not happy but I'll get over it.In the meantime, I'm still pissed but I'm coming down from it.

Has this ever happened to you?? or someone you know??

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