Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fear of doctors - from childhood to adulthood

When we are kids we really don't like doctors because they have "SHOTS" but they have really cool lollipops.  And really young we associate doctors with pain.  So we really don't like them at all and usually are afraid of them.
I've noticed more lately (especially in myself) that the fear of doctors does transfer from childhood to adulthood, but it changes (or adapts). 

As an adult we are not 'afraid' of the doctor...but we are fearful of what they are going to say.  It's the "BAD NEWS" that we don't want to hear.  And we are so relieved and happy when we get good news.  It's the bad stuff that makes us fearful.  The shots or blood work (usually/for most of adults) doesn't really bother us any more. 

I feel bad for those doctors who have to give bad news and how they must feel having to deliver it.  I'm sure they are just as afraid (sometimes) to give us that information.  But must feel even worse if they can't help us or if they cannot solve the problem immediately for us.  I commend them on being there for us and being educated enough to figure things out and helping us in a time of need.  Sometimes it's just as hard to receive as it is to deliver.

Just remember that next time you get upset at the doctor (or remember it after the fact) if you can.  Remember also the billing people have nothing to do with the doctors themselves...that is all coding and their staff there. LOL.  So billing is an entirely different can of worms.  HAHAHA

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