Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hospital Stay Journal Entry: Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rather sleepy this morning after losing an hour of sleep. Milena my AM nurse today came in to give me my meds and changed my clock to reflect the change. Dr Q (filling in for the practice) came in shortly to see how I was feeling and left. I got visited by Jim and Sally, they took Dave out to lunch and when they got here they brought me some sweet potato fries (yummy). Then after they left my Mom and Aunt Karen stopped by for a while. Then after all of them left I was entertained by the Caps game vs. the Penguins (but they lost in a SO) oh well. But watching the Harry Potter marathon after that certainly did help. Dave sent me some pictures of the nursery and to my surprise he had put some of the furniture together too. Then he sent a second set of photos to me (he decorated a little), he hung up the valance, added the accent pillow to the glider chair and put the stuff for the crib together including to mobile. Then the big surprise was the wall decals, I totally cried. It looks so perfect. He’s done such a fantastic job. Our baby is so lucky to have a Daddy like him. A woman from St Ann’s (I believe her name to be Joanne) came by to drop off a bulletin and give communion did something so unexpected. She asked if she could give me the medal she was wearing to me (a Mary medal). I was so touched by the gesture that I was shaking reaching out for it and I was in tears again. I couldn’t put into words how thankful I was, but she said my reaction said a million words. Stephanie came in to let me know she was my PM Nurse and we set up a plan for the evening, including meds and monitoring. Heather stopped by in between her patients tonight and asked Dave and I something completely amazing. She asked us to be God Parents of her youngest daughter (5 months old)…. Of course we said Yes. So honor for her to ask us. She is such a great friend too.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

That is a wonderful honor. :) Glad your little one has such a wonderful daddy.