Friday, June 21, 2013

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time, in real life

Few things really make me literally Laugh Out Loud.... but last night I did so, soooooooo much that my husband actually came in to check on me from another room because he wasn't sure if I was crying or laughing.  I was just trying not to wake the entire house I was laughing so hard at this video.

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time IN REAL LIFE...and this guy show up the mascot.... check it out...

I don't care if that guy was a real guard of if he was even a part of the entertainment staff...that was FUNNY as hell!!!

UPDATE:  He's NOT a plant he's an actual guard and here's another video from him at another location at another game dancing to another song....LOL



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Steve Finnell said...

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