Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What every person should know about their son/daughter

So many people in this day and age have opinions on how to raise or treat or even know about kids.  And to be honest, it's true...kids today are growing up a LOT faster now than even 30 years ago.  Technology and resources are a tremendous help...but nothing takes the place of one on one interaction and affection.

I found 2 different blogs that just stuck out in my mind.  They are totally worth the time to read.  Even though they are themed for moms and sons and fathers and daughters...it truly applies to any parent of a boy or a girl. 

What every father should know about their daughters

"What every father should know about their daughters" is a really good and quick read about just general attitude towards your little girl (or boy).


25 Rules for Mothers of sons

"25 Rules" blog entry is really a good set of guidelines too for either a son or daughter. 

I really enjoyed reading both of those, and even though I already knew OF those things...it is so easy to lose sight of them.  Especially in the long run.  If being a parent isn't hard enough already.

Also a good thing about these is that even if you DON'T have kids it's a good resource for people and it can help in how you or the advice you can give others on how to treat/get along with kids.

Please feel free to share, or even add a link if you've found a better posting somewhere...I'd love to read it.

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