One interesting thing that the internet allows is the fact to reach out to others far away. Support from others (I especially have found) is very important to make it through rough times in life.
To be honest nothing can ever replace the true therapy of one-on-one support and contact, especially in very emotional times. But.... the internet REALLY helps. Kind words and the knowledge that others are on your side is awesome.
I am a member of a small handful of message boards/groups and as a result I have made so many amazing friendships. I cannot express how truly grateful and thankful I am to have met all of those people and have them as part of my life.
I hope that everyone has that fortune to find some place (either a group or a message board) that can support you in time of need or joy. It's important if you do not have the ability to see others on a regular basis. Don't be afraid or too shy to reach out.
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