Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hospital Journal Entry: Feb 3, 2009

Was woke up early by my AM nurse Quynh and the lab to get my fasting glucose level and then to start my 3 hours glucose test. Got to drink the lemon lime flavored glucose drink this time, with my blood being taken once each hour for 3 hours afterwards. OMG, the first person who came to take my blood was awesome…the second one wasn’t so bad, the third one was AWFUL and bruised me badly but the first person came back for the final draw and apologized for the previous one. I passed the glucose test (YIPPEE!!) and that means I will have no dietary restrictions…bring on the food…LOL. Dr. Co came in to tell me again that I passed the test and to check up on me. I got a visit from a Eucharistic Minister from our church, we talked for a bit and prayed together and that was about it. My father came over in the evening and spent a few hours with me. Me and the RN conspired so my dad could hear the baby’s heartbeat on the monitor, because he’s never heard it before. He was so happy. He left and Dave showed up after work in time for the Caps @ NJ game (which they won). My evening nurse Rachel introduced herself..I discovered by talking to her…that her and her fiancĂ© are getting married in May down in Key West. She’s so excited. Dave and I were giving her advice on Maui. Was another easy night to sleep. The glucose test proved to make me feel icky again, but not so bad this time (probably because I was still feeling awful from the test the day before).

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

YAY!! Glad you passed. Hopefully you are able to eat something besides hospital food. :)