Monday, July 07, 2008

Pain, pain go away

Well, we had a great 4th of July weekend. We went to a few BBQ's, I got my hair cut, went to a baby shower. It was a fun filled 3 day weekend.

But you know how my back reacts to weather...and if you don't I'll explain. When the barometric pressure has major shifts when it trying or getting ready to storm, the titanium in my back tells me and I have a lot of aching in my back and/or leg(s) or instead of's pain. Each day this weekend there was at least a little storming or raining each day and I sure did feel it.

I woke up this morning to EXTREME discomfort, my right leg hurt and my hip and lower back were not feeling well at all. I thought maybe I just slept in one position all night and my body was stiff....uh...NO. It took me 10 minutes to get out of bed to use the bathroom and get my cell phone to call my boss and work. I was able to grab my laptop an put it on my bed so I could use it later.I took a muscle relaxer and its helping a little bit, it sure did make me sleepy. I took a nice nap, but the muscle relaxer doesn't do anything for the pain, so now I need to determine if I'm going to take a pain pill too or not. But I haven't got out of bed since I got my phone and laptop this morning.

Ugh. I don't like pain. This is the first time I've had to take major medication in about a year. Because I usually just take Aleve or Advil. But that won't do today.

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