Friday, March 29, 2013

Long awaited afternoon drive post

I know you've been long awaiting one so here it is....

my afternoon and holiday drive for you today.

N*Sync - It's gonna be me ---- with and intro of Justin doing his human beatbox battle with his drummer (which is more why I chose this video in the first place)

And it's a live performance and not a studio cut one...I love real performances. Perfomances in the raw, mistakes and all. Nothing beats them.

Yeah I'm a huge Justin Timberlake fan, especially since all of his SNL appearances and movie/solo music career success as well.  He's the real deal. In my opinion.  Some don't like him and that is just fine.  But I do.

Have a great rest of your day and enjoy the video!

Thursday, March 28, 2013 you?? What do you??

Recently I have re-discovered my LOVE for reading. At first it was just a way to busy my mind to keep me from thinking about all of the troubles that were at hand and also to help me from being sad.  It worked, VERY WELL in fact.  I started first by reading and re-reading books by my favorite authors.  Then some of those authors were releasing new books. And they referred some of their favorites on their social media sites (or even mentioned what they were currently reading).  So I ventured and started branching out for more authors.  

Then I started getting GREAT book recommendations from my friends of books that I had not already read.  Before when I would get a recommendation I had already read it, but now I was hearing of new books and authors I was not familiar with.  YAY!!   

I started a list of some of my favorite authors, please keep in mind this is no where near a complete list a all of what I'm reading.  Recently on of my good friends I'll just call her "E" she invited me to a group on Facebook and we affectionately call ourselves "book junkies".  I personally only know a few people in this group but it is like we are all best friends and we are a chattering, giggling book club.  Minus the physical presence.  It's an amazing group of people.  I'm so blessed to be a part of them and they have helped me in more ways than I can possibly express. I owe them so much.

Now, I used to only read journal like and auto biographical books or even branch out to Harry Potter books.  Well I've since branched out too all TYPES of books. Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Non-Fiction, (not a fan of horror; so I'm staying away from that) Sci-Fi.  

My favorite I've found are the one written realistically.  Even fantasy (but only if it's realistic), does that make sense?  Also I prefer the current time period or around the current time period to see how accurate the author is or if he/she takes artistic license with the period.  However I love a very accurate and detailed period book.  If want to feel as if I'm there. I get that so well with some of the new authors I have been referred to by my friends and now I'm anxiously awaiting sooooo many sequels that I'm going CRAZY.

I'm currently re-reading a few books I've already read as I'm awaiting sequels so I want the stories to stay fresh in my mind, but like I just said this makes me all the more anxious about the next part of the story and my imagination going wild with what I would do and how I might write the story if I was the author.

Do you like reading??  Even if you don't like it as much as I do that is totally cool....what do you like to read??  Tell me I would love to know.  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Not something I usually do...BUT....

Today I'm going to make an exception....

I have many family members and friends that I stand behind and love VERY much and I would never change any of them or their partners for the world.

I am a tremendous supporter of marriage equality.

Marriage is about LOVE!!  And that is THAT!

I drove by the Supreme Court building after dropping my husband off at work this morning to see all of the people out there with their signs supporting each side of the argument.  Both being nice and the NOT so nice (we don't even need to mention who I'm talking about to know who that is).  But at least with at the time I passed it was calm and contained, plenty of police presence and believe it or not LOTS of smiling faces.  People were genuinely happy to just be there to be a part of this day.   There were lots of news cameras, reporters, vans, etc and lines of people just waiting to get inside if they could.

Always matter what, they cannot take away LOVE!

Monday, March 25, 2013

A very funny "HARLEM SHAKE" video

I personally had no idea what the Harlem Shake was until recently.  Personally I still don't really understand it...  BUT... this morning I saw this.  It made me laugh so much.  I have to share it.  The video is only 60 seconds.  Enjoy!

Video Removed sorry...go to Perez to see it. it is rather hilarious
Oh and if you are asking...Yes...that is the Backstreet Boys!

Spring?? Winter?? Which is it??

This weather in our area (the Northern VA/Washington DC/Maryland Area) is just out of control.

Spring started 5 days ago.  Today we have SNOW.  I have said it all Winter long that I will believe we will get snow when I see it.  They called for snow so many times.  Even a big storm and nothing...NADA.   Well this time they said.. "oh a slight dusting"...well we woke up to almost an inch already.  Where did THIS come from??

I'm not complaining...I don't mind the snow at all.  We had already put everything snow related away.  This warm, HOT, warm, cold, really cold, freezing, hot, freezing, SNOW.


Mother Nature...

take some of THIS!!!

and let Spring start already mmkay???  Because we want to grill some groundhog!!  

What is weather like where you are today?? Let me know.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hey all!! How ya been?

I've not disappeared, I promise!

So much has happened lately.  LIFE has happened.

I've started to Belly Dance and it's fun!

I have lost 50 lbs.

Re-found my love for reading.

I hope you all have not given up on me.  I wouldn't blame  you if you did.  I almost gave up on myself there for a while.  But I'm trying to get back.  It's been a battle and it still is.  But it's in progress.  And it's still going.  But at least all of it is still ongoing and I'm not giving up on me.  I can't.

I've missed you all.